The Bible Line September 3, 2024

Phyllis, PA (Live Dictation) - I am confused about the reason Christians congregate on Sunday, while in the old testament they celebrated the Sabbath, could Pastor Broggi explain why did Paul go to the Synagogue on the Sabbath?
Herschel, GA (Live Dictation) - Does Pastor Broggi know if there is any historical documentation about Constantine not having influence on changing the day that the church worships?
Kelly, Ga (Live Dictation) - I heard J.B. Hixson in a podcast mention that the economy will collapse in these last days, what would Pastor Broggi recommend Christians do to protect their finances, should we get all our money out of the stock market, should we get all our cash out of our bank accounts?
Bill, Milledgeville, GA -- My question is regarding the Bibliology course, specifically the 1 John 5:7 explanation. If I recall correctly from the class, the manuscript given to Erasmus by a Roman Catholic (miniscule manuscript 61) was most likely a fraud used to get Erasmus to add a text. The question is: was it a fraud, as it has affinities to the Old Syriac 150 AD text before any Syriac text was even known in Europe? Was there a line of manuscripts, one from Antioch and one from Alexandria?
Ryan, Raleigh NC (Live Dictation) - What is Dr. Broggi's opinion of the Southern Baptist Convection new president?
Anonymous, PA - Hello Pastor Carl. We have been attending a nondenominational Bible church for about a year. It is pastored by a young man who is committed to expository preaching and the church is in almost all respects conservative and doctrinally sound. My wife and I have taken the membership class and are on the verge of meeting with the elders and becoming members. There is one point of contention however and I am wondering whether it is not in fact a dealbreaker, so to speak. At first I thought it was an issue that we could overlook but I'm wondering if that is not the case. In the last few months they have begun serving real wine at the Lords table. Not exclusively, but it is offered simultaneously with grape juice, the juice being in the inside of the tray and the wine being offered on the outer circle. I've never seen this done before, and every week Pastor mentions this and briefly discusses the historical and doctrinal reasons for it. To be honest I am deeply bothered by this practice. There was one week where he forgot to make the announcement, and another week the announcement was made but my 16-year-old daughter forgot and had her first sip of alcohol. I'm wondering if this is a practice that could be overlooked as we prepare to join the church. Thank you.
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