The Bible Line September 17, 2024

Paul, Beaufort. SC - Can you explain why you believe Israel is apostate when God says He would never forsake them and that he gave them 7 feasts that point to Jesus?
Anonymous - My brother and family have turned to a church where their belief of casting out demons is apart of The Great Commission, citing Mark 16:17, which says, "and these signs will accompany those who believe in My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues." I don't know how to correct them but the felling was satanic when we visited this new church on Sunday, and when I asked my brother why they changed churches he said that they meet on Wednesday's and cast out demons and that he felt every Christian is required to do this to fulfill The Great Commission. What are your thoughts on this?
Paul, Rincon, GA - Dr. Broggi, Thank you so much for your ministry and Bible teaching. Your teaching has led me and my family to a deeper relationship with Christ. My question is about Jacob’s wrestling match in Genesis 32: why isn’t “he” and “him” capitalized in referring to the man Jacob wrestles, even after we learn that it is God. I am reading from the 2020 NASB. Thank you
Kim, Bluffton, SC - As I read books and listen to sermons on heaven, pastors and authors, perhaps due to their differences in eschatology, don't seem to carefully differentiate between the pre-resurrection temporal state and place of departed believers, and their resurrected state after the Rapture. Their timeline of events seems to be inaccurate. As someone who is searching the scriptures, desiring the comfort of understanding what joy my loved one is experiencing now, as he awaits his glorified body, I find this disheartening. Will you please bring clarity to this subject with the solid teaching of the Word, providing as much detail as God has revealed about the pre-resurrection state of the believer who is "absent from the body, present with the Lord." I, and I'm sure, countless others, would appreciate it so much. Thank you.
Grace, Pantops, VA - Following October 7, I have continued to hear more people say that "the church has replaced Israel" and that God is done with Israel. I firmly believe that this isn't true and have listened to your sermons on Romans 9–11 addressing this. But I recently saw a person post on social media that the church has replaced Israel, and his proof text was Galatians 6:16, referencing "the Israel of God." He was claiming that Paul was writing to a Christian church and calling them the new Israel. Based on all the very clear Scripture saying that God's covenant with Israel is forever and no disobedience or hard-heartedness can change that, I can't accept his interpretation of this verse from Galatians. It seems so contradictory to everything in Scripture. But how would you respond to this assertion that Galatians 6:16 is proof that the church is the new Israel? How can I directly show that the verse is not saying that? Thank you for your ministry.
John, Manchester, NH - I am struggling with the issues of 2 different churches, 1 allows women pastors and the other does not preach the full gospel. They only preach that God Loves them and so does Jesus, but never about the consequences of sin. How or when should I know what issues are important enough to find another church? The 2nd church I have immense love for the brethren. But somehow I cannot ascribe to the church not preaching the Full Gospel. Thank you very much and God bless you and your ministry.
Anonymous (Live Dictation) - Is it right to pray for EVERYONE's salvation, even though we know not everyone will be saved?
Madi, Beaufort, SC - Do you have to repent to be saved? I have heard several different opinions on this, while I believe that you do have to feel some remorse over former sin, but I see repentance as a work. Thank you.
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