The Bible Line - September 12, 2023
Anonymous, Savannah, GA - Hi Dr. Broggi First let may say I truly appreciate your ministry. I have a question, and I know it may sound silly to some, but I'm curious. There have been recent news reports of an UFO crash in Las Vegas with 2 large non human creatures seen at the crash site. I'm aware some people believe that there's life on other planets. I don't agree with this, I feel what people are seeing is some type of demonic activity. Also, I seem to remember Jan Markel did a segment on aliens and basically said something along the lines as the government setting up a scenario (releasing documents on UFO sightings) to explain away the rapture to people that are left behind. Can you share your opinion on this? Thank you for addressing my question.
Stephanie, Portland, OR (Live Caller) - Has a question about John 11:16?
Pierce N., Atlanta, GA - Let me start by saying, a friend of mine, who lives in Savannah, GA, introduced me to your ministry and it has been a tremendous blessing for my life. Some of the topics you have answered in your sermons and on the Bible Line have been areas I was wanting to understand further and has helped to develop my faith to deeper levels. Now to my question: You often refer to NT Wright as NT Wrong, being newer to the program (and not extensively familiar with NT Wright's work) I was curious of why it is that you refer to him in this manner? Our church recently started a series on Romans and the pastor recommend NT Wright's guide to Romans as a compliment to our series. I was curious if the problems with NT Wright's theology extended to all works, or if certain publications raise more red flags than others.
Emmanuel, PA (Live Dictation) - first questions is about church discipline: when there is sin in the church, what is the responsibility of the believer? and also a second question: Please explain the importance of church membership?
Maryann S. - Can you make a recommendation on a Bible and where you purchase your Bibles from?
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