The BIble Line - October 8, 2019

Dennis, Bluffton, SC - Could Pastor Broggi discuss why some current theologians disagree with the concept of impossibility?
A listener has been talking to students who believe it is okay to drink wine because they don't believe "wine" is strong drink. How does God define in the Bible what strong drink is?
Andrew and Kelly, Houston, Texas - We are at a church that had a faithful, bible teaching pastor that has moved to another church in another state. Our elders have now made a decision to nominate a new pastor after a 7 month search. We found out tonight at the church members' meeting this man has been divorced, as an unbeliever, and has no seminary training. We are concerned about these aspects of his life, although not trying to unrighteously judge him. He has numerous recommendations from other long serving men in the Acts 29 network, that our elders shared. That doesn't necessarily excite us. Our elders are in unanimous agreement, and are very excited about nominating him. These men are elders that we know pretty well, and have much respect for, so we are somewhat surprised at this nomination. They have shared that this nominee has a very warm, humble personality and really has a heart for the lost, along with being a strong leader. We have to vote next Sunday after he preaches. We have so appreciated your ministry and teaching and the growth it has helped produce in our lives. Could you share your wisdom on this matter? We don't want to be negative church members that are a thorn in our elders' sides, yet we want to obey God. Thank you!
Our next caller says that some who teach you can lose your salvation use the last part of Romans 11:22 but we understand "once saved, always saved". Can you please explain what the end of this verse is actually saying?
Hi Pastor Broggi could you please speak a little about textual variance in manuscripts from which we get our Bible's? As a believer who doesn't know Greek or Hebrew and cannot study the manuscripts, what should I know about it? What can I say to anyone who might bring up textual variance as an evidence for the Bible's unreliability?
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