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The Bible Line - October 30, 2012



A listener's brother told him that there was never a flood that covered the whole earth. What scripture can this man point his brother to.

A listener asks where in the bible three passages can be found: 1 The Jebusite's offering of the threshing floor to King David; 2. the passage about silver and gold; and 3. about the cattle on a thousand hills.

Bill, Topsham, Maine - Have you ever read "A Women Rides the Beast" by Dave Hunt? If so, what is your opinion?

Dereena, Augusta, Georgia -  There is now a reality show about a Mormon man and his four wives. I saw this man interviewed on a news program and he said that according to his Mormon beliefs, he is required to have more than one wife and I have heard some people use the example of David and other Old Testament saints as examples of godly men who practiced polygamy. How should we as Christians answer those who try to justify the practice of polygamy by using David, Jacob and others as examples, and does scripture speak to why God allowed this?

Quincy, Aiken , SC - What does Scripture teach about the women's headship veiling? Was it only a cultural thing?........... or is it for today?

Our next listener says that sometimes we are called to pray out loud in groups....This caller has noticed that sometimes there are various problems with praying this way. In another place, we are called to go into our prayer closet which obviously means we're to pray alone. Are there examples in the Bible of praying out loud and are there guidelines for praying out loud in groups?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

October 30, 2012

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