The Bible Line October 29, 2024

Kaye, Beaufort, SC - Luke 18:22. How would this verse apply to me today? Thank you.
Anonymous, Savannah, GA (Live Dictation) - This is a two part question When a baby dies, does he go to heaven, and where do the aborted babies go?
Judy, Hilton Head, SC - I have been a born again believer for a few decades; however, only in the recent past have I learned, I must be baptized through immersion. I was baptized as an infant, but I know it’s not based on Scripture. I am feeling an urgency for this outward sign of what is in my heart. How should I proceed, so what I do will be pleasing in the Lord’s eyes?
Karen A., Malakoff, TX - Was there rain on earth before the great flood of Noah's time?
Erika, Naples, FL - I was born and raised in church and I followed God's principles with the best of my knowledge until I first got married. I have been married twice before, got divorced twice, and lived in total immorality and sin for a decade, I met my current husband in sin, but by the Grace of God, I came to the realization of my sin and repented of it. Now, we both follow Jesus with all our hearts. We have a beautiful family, which we are investing all our efforts to raise by God's principles. However, I confess I still feel guilty, and I still feel like "second class citizen" in the kingdom and I need help to clarify, and to understand, what my current status is before God. It is my utmost desire to serve Him and Him alone with all I have, with all I am. But I keep going back to the fact that I can't undo the wrong I've done, all the people that I hurt. Like you say in your sermons, I can't unscramble the past. But there's something on the back of my mind that still keeps me captive to the status of "ex-wife", and it's nobody's but my own fault and sin. I need to see with clarity how God sees me now. The fact that I am married to a man that is not my first husband makes me feel like I live in sin. I want to make sure my life is pure before God. I'm not sure if I am being clear, but could you please help me understand this?
Clete, Apple Valley, CA - What is the timeline for the veil of unbelief to be removed for Israel to become Messianic, in reference to the rapture of the church? Is there any scriptural reference as to how this will come about?
Chuck H., Arden, NC - I want to request the topic again of women being Deacons, can you please further clarify this topic?
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