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The Bible Line - October 27, 2020



Bert, Savannah, GA - Deuteronomy 7:20 talks about God sending the hornet after "them." And Joshua 24:12 has God sending out the hornet to drive out the two kings of the Amorites. It is clear that Yahweh (all caps LORD) orchestrated the sending, but what exactly did He send?
Could you help reconcile "plural hornets (they)" vs. "singular the hornet (it)"

Heide, Washougal, WA - Hi Dr. Broggi, my question is in regards to the rapture and its timing. I know you are of the belief that the church will be taken before the tribulation starts. I have listened to your teachings from Daniel and Revelation as well as other Bible teachers on this subject to try and obtain as much knowledge and understanding on the topic as possible. I very much want to believe that the church will be taken before the tribulation starts but there are two things that keep me from fully embracing the pre-trib rapture. First, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says - “Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed,” (ESV). The simple reading of this verse seems to indicate an order in which events must take place before we are gathered to Christ, spoken of in verse 2:1. How is this verse not taken as a list of events that must take place before we are raptured? Secondly, the word tribulation used in scripture is translated from two different Greek words, thlipsis vs. orgē. In Matthew 24:21 & 29, Matthew 13:19 & 21, Revelation 2:22 and Revelation 7:14 the word tribulation is translated from the Greek word thlipsis which can also mean affliction, persecution, trouble, suffering, hardship. I don’t see orgē (wrath) in reference to the great tribulation until Revelation 6:16-17. Both of these have kept me from embracing the pre-trib rapture and have me leaning more to a rapture between the sixth and seventh seal right before the 144,000 witness are sealed. Please help me with a different understanding of these two issues. I am searching the scriptures to show myself approved but this is where it has lead me so far. Thank you for all that you do for the Kingdom of God. I greatly value your ministry and have learned so much from you. 

Rhoda Segerstrom, Winchester, MA - Dr. Broggi, The wife of our (relatively) new pastor is a woman in her late thirties. (2 1/2 years) Each Sunday morning and evening, as well as mid-week prayer meeting, she wears some sort of a head covering. She came from a church in upstate SC where this teaching was presented and followed by the women of the assembly. Our pastor hasn't addressed this particular teaching from the Corinthians except to say that he won't make it an issue as it could be divisive. I don't know anyone else who has follows this teaching. I get confused because pastor's wife won't wear any skirts or dresses (I prefer conservative clothing). I am not sure what the biblical teaching is regarding this conservative matter regarding the cov ering of a woman's head during the worship service. As soon as the service is over she takes it off. Thank you for your answer.

Sue, Beaufort, SC - In Psalm 139:17-18 Is God thinking of us that much or is it talking about our thoughts of God. I can't imagine us thinking about Him that much. So is God thinking "vast and precious" thoughts of us that out number the grains of sand? 

Mary, Hardeeville, SC - Since the pandemic my church as not been holding any services. I am holding my tithe which is now up to about $2500. Would it be okay to give this money to someone I know is in need or should this be given directly to my local church?

William N., Stephens City, VA - By the prophet Ezekiel in Ez 46 we see that the animal sacrifices are reinstated. This seems strange to me since this sacrifice is at the Millennial temple during the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. Jesus has already died, been buried and resurrected as first born from the dead. He is our true atonement! He is our eternal propitiation for our sins for those who believe on His name. During this time Jesus will be here on earth and governing. Can you help me understand why God, through the prophet Ezekiel, declares animal sacrificial worship is again initiated and attention is not directed solely upon Jesus Christ?

Jack J - What is the rationale for the resumption of animal sacrifice during the Millennial Kingdom?

Frank T., Richmond Hill Ga. - What is your interpretation of Daniel 12:2 where it says "many" of those who sleep? Why do you think that the Holy Spirit had Daniel write the word many instead of just saying those who sleep?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

October 27, 2020

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