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The Bible Line - October 24, 2017



Ryan M., Worcester, MA - What is your opinion of Dr. Michael Brown of the line of fire radio?
Joseph T., Loudon, TN - Why do you take such detail on how one must be baptized and then gloss over the real presence in the elements in the Lord's supper.? The Bible clearly states that Jesus says of the elements "this is my body and this is my blood." Luther had this difference with Zwingli at the Marburg Castle. Can you give me " Sola Scriptura" for this action?
Our first caller has a difficult situation.  She has a loved one who was in a tragic accident and has now lost the ability to make a decision for Christ.  To her knowledge, this loved one did not accept Christ before the accident which has taken all cognitive functions, so this caller would like to know what the Bible says about whether this person can be forgiven?
A caller says that he recently had a conversation with a man who said he was a born-again Christian yet believed in abortion.  How does someone reconcile these two things?

Joe D., Lincoln, RI - Pastor, I have a friend who is not a Jewish person but has taken on the practices of the old testament Torah and a host of rabbinical teaching in addition to the Torah. He has accepted Christ as Messiah but is more committed to living out the old covenant commands than living in the new. He practices the Jewish Sabbath, the feasts and the dietary restrictions etc. I'm not saying any of this is bad in itself but did not Christ fulfill all this and are we not free from the law and its demands? Was not the law our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ?

Denise, Bluffton, SC - My son is believing a lie and living a gay lifestyle. I love my son and I have not turned my back on him. What does God expect of me as his parent? My fear is facing God and His righteousness one day; hearing His rebuke that I did not do more to help my son see the truth.

A caller's children would like to know what happened to Elijah's physical body in 2 Kings 2 when he was taken up to heaven? 

What is Pastor Broggi's take on Christians celebrating Halloween, given the holiday's true origin? As I grew closer to the Lord and gained more knowledge of His Word, I began to feel convicted about Halloween. I had thoughts like 1. God is a God of life, but Halloween focuses on death. Should I celebrate a holiday where people decorate their front yards with tombstones? 2. The Scriptures tell us to put away deeds of darkness (Rom.13:12) and that light has nothing in common with darkness (2 Cor. 6:14). Is celebrating a dark holiday something a child of the light should be doing? The Lord said in 2 Cor. 6:17, "Come out from them and be separate ... Touch no unclean thing ..." Doesn't God want His children to be set apart from the world and from sin and evil? Aren't we supposed to be different and not conform? I was convicted many years ago by it to not celebrate because of the truth. Now my son wanted to Celebrate this year trick or treating for the first time since he was 3 he's a teen now. What are your thoughts? What should a Christian do? I understand for some it gives them the opportunity to reach their neighbors but I think we can do that by giving out candy and invite them to the church or hand out tracts with the candy. Give them Jesus that way!

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

October 24, 2017

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