The Bible Line - October 22, 2019

Years ago a listener was sickened by Lyme disease. This person struggles with an inability to concentrate and memorize as well as an inability to attend church because of spinal issues. Does Dr. Broggi have any suggestions or encouragement.
Has Pastor Carl heard of a book called "The Story?"
Our next caller would like Pastor Broggi's preferred method of apologetics; presuppositional or evidential? Also, could Pastor Broggi comment on Francis Schaeffer's presuppositional approach to apologetics?
Please explain the difference between a Pilate, a Caesar, a Herod and an Emperor.
Our next caller says he attends a church that teaches that African Americans are the true Jews. How would Pastor Broggi answer people who believe that?
Our next caller says that he was reading John 6:70 where it reads "Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil"? This caller is wondering why Jesus would have picked someone He knew was a devil?
Robert, Beaufort SC - I have been hearing on the news about chips being implanted in the hand under the skin in the country of Sweden and is growing very rapidly in that country. They spoke about being able to pay at a store for goods, identification, entry into buildings and accounts and other various services. The people there are willing accepting this. I know this is not considered the mark of the beast but is this part of what we are to expect as the end times approach?
In the millenial kingdom is animal sacrifice going to be restarted, if so, why?
Our next caller says that Pastor Carl taught an irrefutable argument for the actual account of the Creation. This caller is wondering how can anyone dispute this account?
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