The Bible Line - October 15, 2019

A caller wanted to know if Pastor Broggi believes that pastors need to "feel the call' to become a pastor?
What does Pastor Broggi think of the Pope's deciding to consider whether priests can marry?
What is a verse that affirms that the Holy Spirit is a distinct person?
Beverly - My granddaughter has read the book "The Road Back to You" and is about to lead a study on it in her nondenominational church. When I told her of my concerns she got upset with me. What is your opinion on this book?
Please explain John MacArthur's position as a 5 point Calvinist. Is he teaching that God chooses only the elect to be saved?
Our next caller would like Pastor Broggi to explain his stance against medical marijuana. Does he have the same opinion about all the other prescribed medications people take?
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