The Bible Line - November 9, 2021
Bob D., Okatie, SC - This caller would like some clarification on the timeline following Christ's crucifixion and the day of Pentecost.
JeAnais M., Clemson, SC - I am a college student at Clemson University and I have a few questions, the first ones are from my English class where we read Genesis, John, and this week Romans. 1. The instructor believes God is a divisive God since He used words to separate in Genesis. 2. In John since it was written in Greek and there are things similar to Greek mythology, such as in The Odyssey when Odysseus has a scar to prove his identity similar to when Jesus showed Thomas his scar, he believes John was writing under the influence of the Greeks. That John received his inspiration from them and was copying them. 3. A friend of mine doesn't know what God expects from people who were born with both sexual parts. He said if their intersex can they marry whoever they want? 4. Finally, he goes and confesses to a priest, I told him how we don't need a mediator, but he doesn't see the priest as a mediator, just someone to confess to. I have been re-listening to all your sermons on Romans but if you have any advice on what to look out for I would appreciate that!
Elaine B., Bluffton SC - Someone from your Beaufort Church said that you said, “no one will get saved during the 7 years of the tribulation.” Because there will be those who will be martyred, I am confused. Can you please clear this up?
Woody, Ridgeland, SC - This caller would like Pastor Carl to address the William Branham cult.
Alberto, Savannah, GA - How do we determine whether a preacher is a heretic?
A caller would like to have Pastor Broggi explain Matthew 11:3. Did John have 2nd thoughts about who Christ was? And is repentance necessary to be saved.
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