The Bible Line - November 29, 2022
Brogan F., Bluffton, SC - Over the last few months, I have been studying the doctrine of repentance in terms of salvation and there seems to be many different views on the correct definition. I recently read The Gospel According to Jesus by John Macarthur and So Great Salvation by Charles Ryrie and their definitions seem to differ more than they support each other. My understanding of repentance is that it is a change of mind about one's sin and their need to cling to Christ for deliverance from the pain, power, and penalty of sin. I often hear repentance also described as a turning from sin, but I see this as more of a fruit of repentance and using this terminology can be confusing. I don't want to make repentance sound like a work or water it down, what is the proper biblical definition of repentance and how should a believer present repentance while going through the plan of salvation?
Ruth G., Daytona Beach, FL - My pastor (S. Baptist) is a preacher that sometimes says things that make me stop and look around the room to see if it bothered anybody but me. I know everybody has their baggage to dump in their walk with Christ, but I expect more from a pastor. His baggage is Sci-Fi and Fantasy fiction. On a good note, he loves supporting missionaries big time. Examples: - He has used Gandalf (a wizard from Lord of the Rings) twice as a good example, not evil, to prove a point. - He used a Harry Potter example once, and he said he knew many don't approve of the series, but JK Rowling is really a good writer. - He has played on a Warcraft team (video game) for over 10 years. I think that game is demonic while others disagree. - His teenage daughter's dress hemlines are mid-thigh or higher. - These are the big one's for me. He does not help me grow. I am not challenged, nor do I really learn anything. The longer I stay the more I want to run. Also, he is not young. If he was, I could explain his behavior better and step in with 'motherly advice.' He's in his fifties. I really want to leave, but my husband likes it, and it took me two decades to get him back in church. We moved here, and sadly, this seems to be the best church in the area. We've been here a year. Should I speak to him? I have not because I am a woman near his age, and I think a man should do it; as he is the pastor. Guidance please?
Holly M., Beaufort, SC - My uncle in Hialeah, (Miami) mentioned about a year ago about Zechariah. What chapter and verse, if you know, will I find something about the anti-christ possibly being Catholic or a Pope??? Of course, this answer may be in that book or maybe another book of our Bible. Would you know about this??? —-
Jim, Beaufort, SC - What do you consider the unpardonable sin to be? Some say it is to blaspheme the Holy Spirt others say it is to die without accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior before you die. I have also been told by a pastor that he does not think someone can commit the unpardonable sin today. I believe that the unpardonable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit and it can still be done today.
Dave from Cuba asks, "My mother has been divorced 3 times, from a biblical perspective she cannot remarry. She is planning on getting married again. She claims to be a believer and a member of a church, but the church is unsound (prosperity gospel). As her son, what should his role be in approaching her from a perspective?"
Anthony, Beaufort, SC - When church members are disciplined does restoration come from the church, or members of the church?
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