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The Bible Line - November 24, 2015



Anonymous, Columbia, SC - Dr. Broggi can you please comment on the book entitled "The Shack?" Do you know the author

A caller would like to know why some members of her family who are Catholic give Mary such high regard and, at times, go to her not directly to Christ.

We had an earlier caller who wonders if you are caught in a situation where someone is threatening your life unless you can quote the Qu'ran like what happened in Paris, if you do are you denying Christ? 

David, Anderson, SC - Dr. Broggi do you think as Christians we should be bringing in refugees?  I saw in the news that over 1,000 pastors signed a letter saying we should?

Ryan - I have two questions. First: I am looking to start reading and subscribing to some good Christian, scholarly, academic journals in order to deepen my understanding of the faith. I am already a subscriber to the Answers magazine from AIG and I love that. What do you know (or do you recommend) about Bibliotheca Sacra,TableTallk Magazine, and the Christian Research Journal from Hank Hannegraff's ministry? Second, on a lighter note: being from New England and living in the Carolinas, are you a Patriots or Panthers fan?

Our next caller says a pastor has said his church is a pastoral church vs. a congregational church....what does this mean? 

When it comes to tithing, I know that we must tithe ten percent of our earnings and/or income to the local church I atten, but how about if a person is receiving monetary form of compensation from the military or a company are we still required to tithe that monetary income?

Spencer, Locust Grove , VA - What would you say or how should one counsel a believer who says they want to get a tattoo or piercing of some sort? Passages that come to mind are 1 Cor. 6:19-20 and Leviticus 19:28.

Neal, Arlington, TX

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

November 24, 2015

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