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The Bible Line - May 31, 2016



In Zechariah 11:7-8 What are the two staffs and the three shepherds?
Kim, Seabrook, SC - I have been a submissive wife in many ways and for many years. I have stepped out in faith and followed my husband where he leads our family as the spiritual head of our family when I did not want to. I have prayed and God has been faithful and good as He always is and has blessed me in so many ways. I know that it is not my job to preach or try to teach my husband even though I am studying God word and spending time with Him daily and have grown leaps and bounds in my faith journey. I love God and want my loved ones, esp those closest to me, to love Him and know Him and obey His word as I try to do. Clear divisions in the Christian world seem so prevalent theses days and there are so many who claim to be Christian who don't seem to know the truth. And those who do know the truth seem very hateful. What can I do as I strive to be a Godly wife to influence my husband? I pray. I tried to talk to him about the clear differences in our beliefs and there seems to be nothing I can say. In his opinion, the bible was written and edited by men who had their own agendas set forth and the "times have changed". For example, the issues of women preachers and gay marriage are two "hot" topics we disagree on. We rarely attend church as a family these days and I don't feel pressured to take my kids to his chosen church since I know the denominations beliefs conflict with my own. I am blessed with Godly grandparents on both sides that help me teach and take my children to Bible believing and preaching churches. My kids are also being taught daily at their school about Jesus and His love. I am thankful for so many things. My question is what should I do? My desire is to be involved in a church family that is truly bible and God centered but that is clearly not my husbands desire. He discounts the bible as the authority of God because, as I mentioned earlier, believes men to be responsible for much of the content. I also think that he can't accept the Lords justified and righteous discipline of His highest creation and greatest love: humanity. He doesn't have the faith to acknowledge that we don't have to have all the answers (i.e., why would a loving God let bad things happen?). I see the influence of my children's faith on him and am thankful. Any scripture references would be helpful. 
Steve, Clyo, GA - Since man is by his very nature sinful and unlovable, is it a fair statement to say that Christ's love for people comes from the Father/Creator to Christ the Son.

Alexis, Panama City Beach, FL Ezra 2:2, is the Mordecai listed in this verse the same Mordecai from Esther? It appears that Esther and Ezra are in the same century so I think they are. Can you clarify for me?

Anonymous, FL:  In light of the most likely presidential candidates from the Democratic and Republican party, how do we as Christians approach our civic duty to vote with what we have to choose from? Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I'm definitely praying for the election year and will be doing my civic duty to vote this come November. However, I'm very apprehensive. I do not want to dishonor God by putting my name on a candidate who I feel isn't the best person for thie office. I also understand that God uses the just and the unjust to accomplish his will (He is sovereign). I would appreciate like your thoughts on the matter.

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

May 31, 2016

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