The Bible Line - May 30, 2023

Scott H., Beaufort SC - Pastor, are you aware of the Jewish belief that creation would go on for 7000 years from the date of creation, and that the last 1000 years of that would be the Millennial reign of Christ? Is there anything that supports that biblically, and if so, where do we fall on that timeline? Thanks, Scott
Keith, Kentucky (Live Caller) - I have a question on Jerimiah 31:31 and the Jewish people, specifically on the covenant that is named. Can you help me understand this?
Anthony, Beaufort, SC (Live Caller) - How do we measure the love of Christ? As brothers and sisters in Christ how should we treat each other as the body of Christ?
Kent F., Bluffton, SC - Why is the church so seemingly devoid of the study of the enemy? As a combat disabled former Marine, it seems to me this particular battle as alluded - for lack of a better word at the moment - in Ephesians 6:10-17 - is perhaps fatally overlooked if not dismissed as central to the gospel telling. That is, without sin - ushered in by Satan - there is no need for redemption by the blood of the lamb of God in Jesus; anymore than a Marine needs to direct fires for effect (blood of the lamb) to eliminate an enemy from a position.
Paul L., Bluffton, SC - I realize that this is not a salvation issue, but I would appreciate you clarifying the following: In the Bible, the word tongues is found 30+ times, some brothers that I know and love believe that it is a gift, where one speaks in an entirely foreign unknown language, or Gibberish for lack of a better definition. I’ve been listening to Walter Martin, and his series on hermeneutics, and he is very clear that the Greek translates to English as dialect or language, or meaning an existing language. Is this true in ALL representations of “TONGUES” in the Bible? Some translations say “new tongue”, also just curious, was English a language when the NT was written? Could English be one of those “new tongues” that is referenced?
Stephanie T., Portland, OR - What is your opinion of N.T. Wright? And thank you for helping us learn so much about how to walk more closely with Jesus and how to love His Word and ways!
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