The Bible Line - May 1, 2012
Christy from Iwakuni Japan has a friend who grew up Catholic and says she is lost. She said she and her husband have tried other religions but it seems like a lot of fluff, yet the Catholic religion seems wrong to them also. Are there any resources that Dr. Broggi could offer he? Sermons and or reading materials? She seems open to hear the Gospel.
Diane from Port Colborne Ontario: What specifically is meant by the term blashpeme? When and why does it become the only unpardonable sin? What scriptures prove this.
An independent businessman has modified his behavior regarding tithing in that he now does give ten percent of his income, even if he's unsure about future business. Formerly, he tithed only when he was sure of future work. Is he correct in his movement of faith?
Our next caller would like to know Pastor Broggi's opinion on Romans 9:25 and 26. Some commentators say Paul was not faithful to Hosea's context and that he changed Hosea's meaning from being applied to Jews and that Paul applied it to gentiles instead....what does Dr. Broggi think?
A caller asks: 1. If a couple are both saved but the husband decides not to tithe is the wife (who does not work outside the home) held accountable for her husband not tithing? and 2. If you have the same situation but the wife does work outside the home, should she go ahead and tithe on her pay although the husband does not tithe on his?
In Matt. 5:39-44, Jesus says love your enemies, if one smites you on one cheek, turn to him the other, etc.....why is this almost non-existent in most Christians lives?, from our personal lives, to our support of a government that doesn't live by this principle. I recently heard someone say that they didn't mind Jesus Christ, just couldn't stand His followers. This person believed most Christians don't live by what Jesus taught. My question is, do you believe "Christendom" has given people like Bill Maher a right to question and criticize our faith to a certain extent?
I have been reading through the the Gospels and the book of Acts lately, and I have been wondering why the church today seems much more intellectual than the early church, but powerless. I notice that God stood behind those disciples when they went forth preaching the Gospel.... Why don't we see that measure of miraculous today? In Matt. 17:14-21, Jesus rebukes his disciples for not having the faith to cast out a demon from a boy. Do you believe Jesus would rebuke us today for not operating this kind of faith? When Jesus says in John 14:12, "The works I do, shall you do also," does He mean just that?
Darryl from Richmond Hill, Ga: I was wondering about the message we are to communicate when we evangelize to the lost. Are we to preach the kingdom message (as in the Messiah's coming kingdom) or just the message to repent and believe the gospel? Or should this all be wrapped in the same evangelistic message?
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