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The Bible Line - March 6, 2012



When did all of the races start? If Adam was made from dirt, what race was he? Should we expect God to move in miraculous ways today like he did in the O.T., when we need help or deliverance? And if so, how does one keep from getting discouraged if they don't experience God moving in those ways? A listener has noticed certain ministries are changing their name, e.g. Campus Crusade to CRU and the Southern Baptists to "The Followers" and Wycliffe has changed their Muslim translation of the Bible to remove God and replace Him with the term "Allah?" Since God created all things, did He create evil? A caller would like Dr. Broggi's opinion on post-modernism and how it plays into today's adolescent culture...Would this be best explained in 2 Tim. 4:3? Stephanie from Beaufort, SC I grew up in a household where alcohol in moderation is ok (of course at the appropriate age). I have recently heard your sermons on the miracle at Cana and brought that up to my family. They have come back with, well, if alcohol is bad, why did God make 2 glasses of red wine per day good for you? And, "Drinking is an issue where I don't believe there is a demon in the drink, however satan will utilize drinking to get into your soul and warp your thinking. I think it plays out in the process of drinking to cope, or to be more comfortable in a social situation, then you feel you need to drink to be likable, and so on until you are now under the control of alcohol and now satan now has a grip on you...it's a subtle thing." I was wondering what your thoughts were here as well. We know that homosexuality is bad and a sin, however I have seen many different approaches to this in the Christian community. Are you familiar with the movie, "Lord Save Us From Your Followers"? Basically it is a film where a Christian man goes around the country apologizing to the gay community for being a homosexual hating Christian. His mantra in the film is that no one came to Christ by losing an argument. So I'm wondering, where is the line between a group such as the Westboro Baptist Church and churches who ordain gay pastors. I obviously don't align with either of those groups but am struggling to find the correct balance of showing Christ's love and rebuking the sin. A few Sundays ago Pastor Broggi preached on a passage in 2 John talking about how you aren't supposed to invite in people who are preaching a different gospel than the one of truth (ie- Jehovah's Witnesses). I was wondering if this only applied to people who were specifically evangelizing, or if it applied to a person and their beliefs at all times. For example, if you become friends with a person who is a Mormon, are you not supposed to have them over to your house ever? What about someone who is simply lost and not saved? Then there is the whole saying that Jesus hung out with sinners and tax collectors, so are we not also to fellowship with sinners in order to be a witness to them? What happens to individuals that are very sincere, God fearing people yet in false doctrine and wrapped up in cults? I have some very good friends that believe terribly incorrect doctrine, such as a denial of the trinity, yet they really love the Lord. I have done my best to witness to them but they just don't see the error of their way. Have any advice?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

March 6, 2012

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