The Bible Line - March 27, 2012
A caller would like Pastor Broggi to explain who is 'the vast multitude of people' that John sees in Rev. 7:13?
A listener when confronted about the question of eternal security he shares with people the fact that when David is confronted by Nathan and then told in 2 Samuel 12:13 that because of his repentance he "shall not die" this man's friends say this is proof that you can lose and regain your salvation. This listener tells them that this verse is dealing with a "physical" death and he wants Pastor Broggi's opinion.
In 2 Peter 2, it says in vs. 11 the angels never speak out disrespectfully against them and in vs. 1 they will turn against their Master. Are these people saved?
As a follow-up to the question about losing their salvation the caller wanted to know "if you know this is what the Bible says is it wrong to be with a Christian that believes they can lose their salvation?"
I have been asking the Lord for a deeper desire for "heavenly treasure" because the material things are not satisfying and don't hold any weight in eternity. The Bible tells us that only His word will "endure forever" and I have been seeking the eternal treasure but have received rebuke for this desire from other believers who have told me that I am being unappreciative of what God has "blessed" me with. I have also been told that my faith is based in unbiblical teaching but I want to ask, "How does Romans 14 apply to this situation I face?" I don't condemn those who are rejecting me but instead I weep for them in prayer.
My husband was hurt 4 years ago in a car versus motorcycle accident and the person that hit him was not insured. She has been forgiven by my husband but my question, he is on short term disability because of his injuries, he had lost his job but has been trying to find a job through work shops with disability, he feels good enough to go back to work so he has been feeling convicted for being on disability because he feels like he can work but can’t find a job and he wants to call and cancel his disability and trust in God getting us the finance help we need. Can you give me your thoughts on the matter?
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