The Bible Line - March 24, 2020
Wes, Port Royal, SC - In Colossians 1:24, in talking about his suffering for Christ, Paul uses the phrase "filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions" in the NASB, and similar wording in the ESV. I believe the context is Paul talking about rejoicing in suffering because of the furtherance of the Gospel that is resulting from that suffering. Also, I know that Christ's death and affliction was perfect and complete payment for our sins. So what does Paul mean by the word "lacking"?
I have heard Pastor Broggi discuss 1 Peter 3:19 in sermons before where he has said that Jesus died and went on a preaching mission to the angels. I am having a hard time understanding this conclusion simply from the verse. Could Pastor Broggi please explain the basis for this conclusion and/or point me to a specific sermon on this?
Deveon, Pineland, SC - Do I tithe off of gross or the net gain of my business?
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