The BIble Line - June 2, 2015

A listener comments on the gender change of Bruce Jenner.
A listener wonders, in light of Scripture, whether it is possible for one member of a married couple to deny divorce if the other desires one.
Zack, Canyon lake, TX: Why have we Christians done away with the Levitical law? Isn't Gods word eternal? Didn't Jesus say " until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke of the law shall pass away from the law until all is accomplished". Mathew 5:17. Doesn't this include the levitical law? This is somthing that has been pressed on my heart lately. I don't know if it's out of ignorance or if all of my teachers in the past have been deceived on this subject. I really enjoy listening to your sermons on search the scriptures and have learned a lot from your teachings of the bible. P.S My dad was the first person you led to Christ at cbc and he led me to Christ. So I thank God for His use of you in teaching the word.
My father taught us that a Pastor or Minister who held an office in politics or ran for office was on the wrong path. I believe this is true. Yet, I see many Ministers running for office today. Jesus taught that we cannot serve two masters. Are the Scriptures specific on this matter.
In 2 Samuel 19:7 it says: Now there was an evil spirit from the LORD on Saul as he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand, and David was playing the harp with his hand. (1 Samuel 19:9 NASB) I don't understand how God, who has absolutely no evil in Him, can place an evil spirit on Saul.
Terry , Charleston, SC - Is it hard or easy to be saved? It seemed easy for the the thief on the cross, but much more difficult for the rich man. The Bible says that who ever calls on the name of The Lord will be saved, but it also says that if you are not born again you will not see the Kingdom of God.
If a Christian woman has been attending church all her life and she meets a man who has not but he is a Christian and is beginning to.....and they are discussing marriage...are they unequally yoked?
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