The Bible Line - June 18, 2013
We had a caller who would like to know Pastor Broggi's opinion about whether or not an avowed homosexual should serve in a ministry at his or her church.
What is the relationship between faith and works in OT? Are the OT saints saved by works since they had to obey the Law?
My current wife is divorcing me and is trying to treat me very ungodly through the legal system by taking everything. If she succeeds I will lose my home and almost everything else. Jesus says to turn the other cheek. What is your opinion? Should I not try to protect myself?
We had a question that came up in Sunday school class yesterday morning, we know we are born sinners but when babies die do they go to heaven? One of the people in our group doesn’t think babies go to heaven so I’m confused with my own understanding.
Roman, New York, NY I saw on your website you are from Worcester, MA. I know a friend who is doing inner city ministry in Worcester and Boston? Can you tell me a little bit more about the inner city ministry and what its like in those places?
My husband and I just lost our unborn child. He/she passed on a couple weeks ago but we did not know until our routine 3 month appointment where no life or heart beat was discovered. We have two other healthy children and we are thankful. The anguish we feel over the loss is common I know, as I'm not the first woman to go through this and won't be the last. I would have an easier time understanding why this happens if I believed in "Mother Nature" and the natural process of elimination. But scripture says that only God opens and closes the womb. I have to believe this is for every person,correct? I assume that means even the teenage girls I saw with pregnant, swollen bellies as I raced to my car crying and overwhelmed with confusion, shock and grief. Their babies were meant for earthly life, but mine...? Are babies sometimes created specifically for heaven? If so, that would be easier, if he/she had a role to fulfill there. But if not, if God saw fit to not allow a physical birth of a baby b/c of a defect or there was some chromosome issue (as is claimed as the reason for the majority of miscarriages), why would he allow some children to be born with defects and others not? Again, I am hoping these lives were only meant for heaven, then there would leave no room for a mistake or a natural process of weeding out certain things. I know there are things we will never understand until we get to heaven...but I'm hoping you can shed some light on the possibilities of why miscarriages are allowed to happen.
A listener was reading the resolutions of Jonathan Edwards...does Pastor Broggi have any advice on how to make a large number of resolutions and keep them throughout one's life.
Kelvin Some say Timothy was not a pastor. I have been going through 1 Tim on my own and I see Paul entrusted Timothy to deal with issues in the church acting in a pastoral authority. So, was Timothy a pastor, evangelist, or a representative of Paul to teach sound doctrine- or all three?
Josh has a question about women in church leadership...can a pastor's wife who is doing the announcements and leading corporate prayer and possibly another woman taking over this right?
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