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The Bible Line - June 13, 2023



Joan from Royston, GA - Has older members in her family that were married...then they divorced. The husband remarried, but that marriage didn't work out. Now the original two are back together...but they say they don't need to formally remarry. What does Pastor Carl think, are they living in sin? (They claim to be born-again believers.)

Charles in his devotional time with his kids - One of the kids asked what happened to Lazarus in the time he was in the tomb. The Bible tells us it is appointed for a man to die once and then the judgment. And to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. So what about Lazarus (as well as others in the Bible that died and then were brought back to life?)

Sue, Beaufort - I was wondering if we will all be the same age in heaven. Or will there be some age differences?

John S., Phoenix, AZ - Would you please explain God the Father and God the son? I have a relative that only has a Christian radio station on VCY America. I was listening and on the radio, and I am trying to understand why the speaker said Jesus Christ created things. I thought they were suppose to say God the Father created the world, people, animals, etc. I don't remember who the person was that was speaking or the specifics. Do you have a previous program that can help me understand this? (BTW Does your program play here in Arizona?)

Sharon H., Bluffton, SC - Recently, I’ve had people claim that Jesus was a refugee. Their argument to back this up was the dictionary definition of the noun, refugee, and reading Bible passages in Greek. What apologetic can you suggest to refute this kind of woke Christianity? Thanks in advance

Kevin S., Queen Creek, AZ - I was listening to a recent sermon on the Book of Revelation. I was discussing this with a friend of mine that ascribes to the Catholic Bible as the true and accurate Word Of God. You mentioned that actually the Catholic version has been added to or was not completely correct, which I can agree with. Where or what can I refer him to for a better understanding of Scripture and is the best Bible to be studying the true and accurate Word of God? I believe he is saved though none of us here on earth knows who is and who is not. I do believe 100% that I am! I have attended your church and participated in a few Sunday Schools there in Beaufort and was very impressed with your sermons and folks in your church. Thank you sir for the time you could possibly take to help me and my friend understand his belief.

Nancy L., West Chester, PA - Thank you for your ministry Dr. Broggi. It has changed my life in so many ways. Can you give more detail of the events in Matthew 27:52-53, "The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people." Who are these people and what did they do after they appeared to many people?

Nick E., Beaufort, SC - I was raised Catholic and became.a Christian,how can Catholics call themselves Christians when they do not follow Jesus.

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

June 13, 2023

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