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The Bible Line - June 12, 2012



I know a church that believes Jesus fulfilled the first half of the week to the Jews and that the tribulation was the second half of the week , making the tribulation only three and a half years. Have you ever heard of this belief?

This weekend in our discovery class we studied Gods prophetic calendar. I noticed that in the handout that Matt. 24 was applied to the rapture, and the teacher applied it to the rapture. Matt. 24 has always been a challenge for me to understand because clearly in context it appears Jesus is referring to His second coming at the end of the tribulation period, yet how would people be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage in the tribulation? Life in the tribulation would be very different as we know it today, so why would Jesus have to warn them to be ready so much and not be caught up with the affairs of life in the tribulation? Could you explain this for me?

A listener has been trying to get his daughter who lives 800 miles away into a Bible believing church (she is Catholic).  Could Dr. Broggi give some scripture to help steer her in the right direction?

Sandy from Frankfort, IL: In listening to your teaching on cd from your sermon on Hell, I wanted to ask for clarification on the verses in Matt 11:20-24, where Jesus is rebuking the cities for the lack of response to His miracles. "For if the miracles had occurred in Tyre and Sidon which occurred in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes." It sounds as if there were opportunities for hearts to be changed, yet Jesus didn't go there and do the miracles. Does this mean they repented and were saved later on, just not immediately?

In John 5:12, 13 and 14 Jesus had healed a man and after finding him in the temple, Jesus said "See you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you". This listener says we all sin even after salvation, so when we're blessed, how do we not sin any more because we don't want the worse thing to come?

Dereena from Augusta, GA: I have a female family member who believes God has called her to full time ministry and a leadership position in her church. This has been weighing heavy on my heart and I have plans to speak with her on what the Bible says in I Timothy 2 about women not teaching or exercising authority over men. She has stated to me that she believes that scripture to be time bound and that Paul was speaking only to the women in that one church to learn in quietness because they were disrupting the church by asking questions during the worship services. I know this to be an error on her part and I have heard other females use this explanation to justify their authority to serve as pastors. Can you clarify this for me, so that I will be able to explain it to my relative?

Tony from Baltimore: Pastor Carl Can you tell me where to find in the Bible the seven deadly sins?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

June 12, 2012

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