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The Bible Line - July 30, 2024



Joan, Cape Elizabeth, ME --  Dr. Broggi, I would like to know your take on the recent abominable display "inspired" by DaVinci's "Lord's Supper" at the Olympic Opening Ceremony. My husband and I are "finishers"....we answered a call from God in our 60s to move to Russia and serve and bring the Gospel to college students in a small town near the Kazakhstan border. One of the missionaries in our organization serves in France. He said in his recent newsletter regarding the Olympic scene: "I would call for a critical and gracious eye when we see scenes like this. ...I'm just saying to open our eyes, ears, then our mouths. I'm asking just to create discussion rather than crossing your arms and raising your chin.....This is a great time to ask people, 'what did you see?' 'what did you think?' 'what do these images bring to mind for you?'. Let's be known for what we are for. Let's be for salvation, resurrection, open doors, redemption, light." My husband and I are outraged by this scene - Jesus as a heavy woman DJ, surrounded by cross-dressers, trans people, and the like. What can you give me to say in response to our dear brother's (and he is truly a wonderful missionary...) discourse? Is this truly a time to create discussion? Should we / how can we be gracious in light of this disgusting depiction? I would love your response, which I know will be filled with scripture and wisdom. Many thanks. I listen to your podcast every time I travel by car anywhere in my city and simply love your lessons from the Word. Thank you for being God's man and voice in our increasingly evil world.

Ofelia, Savannah, GA -  "When Jesus comes down to fight Satan, He will bring people with Him is that men, women, and children?"

Kelvin J., Buchanan, VA -- Do you think Jesus ever acted or responded sarcastically? If so, when? Heard a friend recently say he feels as though Jesus responded in such a way to His mom at the wedding feast when He was notified there was no more wine. For me, Jesus neither mocked his mom or made some flippant remark, like he was being bothered, as that would be out of His character. We appreciate all you do in strengthening the church. We still love to listen often and hope to be back in Beaufort again soon to come in person, if only for a short visit. Thank you again for speaking to us 15+ years ago when we came to a homeschool conference. That decision blessed us greatly with our 5 kiddos. You also instructed us on the church we were attending at the time believed in baptism saves us and spoke to us about salvation. So many wonderful things we could say about you! Press on my friend!

Chris, Eatonton, GA - Why do you believe the majority of Spirit-filled Christians appear to be living defeated lives instead of in the victory and power Jesus purchased through the cross and resurrection.

Anthony, Beaufort, SC -  God had Moses in Pharaoh's household, and God had David in Saul's palace...Pharaoh's household was Godless, but Saul's house had become secular...is this a parallel to what we see in today's universities and educational institutions? Do we have Godless schools and secular institutions, including seminaries today? If so, what are your thoughts about this?

Richard S., Worcester, MA - Hi Dr. Broggi, I have a question about the book of Chronicles. ‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭33:18‬ ‭ says [18] Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh even his prayer to his God, and the words of the seers who spoke to him in the name of the Lord God of Israel, behold, they are among the records of the kings of Israel. I was wondering if this is a reference to the book of 1st and 2nd Kings which we have in our Bibles and if so why is the prayer of Manasseh not found there?

Faye, Grays, SC - in regard to Jeff Kinley's sermon mentioning a doomsday clock created by secular scientist in 1947, would they qualify as false prophets by giving prophecy not from the Bible? She also had a question on behalf of a neighbor, Martha from Georgia, why are there not last names or surnames in the Bible?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

July 30, 2024

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