The Bible Line - July 29, 2014

What does the half-tirbe of Mannasseh refer to?
Is the current terrorist group ISIS capable of going into and taking over Damascus?
Bill, Buffalo, NY - The Bible contains several examples that God undoubtedly prefer right-handed people. In fact there is much evidence that left-handers will burn in hell for all eternity. Do you think this is true?
A caller has a sibling who was a born-again Christian but committed suicide. If this person was truly saved, are they in heaven?
Scott , Beaufort - Is F.F. Bruce a reliable commentator; does Benjamin Netanyahu have a special anointing from the Lord? And do the people of Israel know which tribe they belong to?
A caller says that many "prayer meetings" in churches open with the verse Matthew 18:20. Does Pastor Broggi believe that this is the correct context for this verse?
Some bible studies are based on "The Circle Maker". Does Dr. Broggi know anything about these?
Dr Broggi what is your opinion on the Masonic lodge? I have always had a problem with everything being so private when the Bible says that "no prophesy of scripture is of any private interpretation" 2 Pet 1:20. They claim to honor God in their meetings but are they really?
What ought to be the attitude of the congregation during the altar call?
Is it possible for someone to renounce Christ and actually be a true Christian and go to heaven?
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