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The Bible Line - July 25, 2023



Caren H., ME - I know this is a hot topic these days and I am currently listening to your message series on men and woman in the ministry. I fully understand woman’s role in not preaching over men in 1st Timothy. However I’m just unsure of when that line is drawn as far as the age of the male. We currently have “young adults” at our church ages 18-25 which is a male/female audience. Woman have been teaching at this event and I’m concerned we are not honoring the Lord with this age group being taught by females on occasion. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Lashell H., Greenville, TX - I have finally left the Oneness Pentecostal church. I have found a Bible believing church and love the expository preaching. Although my husband allows the kids to go to church with me every other Sunday, the fact that I am not attending the old church is a point of contention and division in our relationship...even in the relationship with me and my kids. My daughters want to attend church with me, but my son doesn't want to, and he agrees with his father, who is very abusive towards me. I haven’t been able to talk to anyone about my saving faith in Christ after so many years of legalism,  because everybody I know will think I’m deceived. I feel like I’m losing my kids. They really think that I’m lost because I don’t believe in baptismal regeneration anymore. My husband has my kids believing that I believe in 3 Gods, And I’m still not allowed to share the true gospel to my kids, so they are ignorant of salvation by grace through faith alone.

Joe, Beaufort, SC (Live Dictation)Is it good for Christians to be doing business with companies using Artificial Intelligence? Due to the privacy concerns, etc.

Thomas, Savannah, GA (Live Dictation) - Along with the 1st question from Caren on ladies teaching...what about small group studies in homes where couples share together?

Stephanie, Oregon (Live Caller) - I would like to know what the role of Holy Spirit is and it's function?

Ophelia, Savannah, GA (Live Dictation) - Why are the Jews God's chosen people if many of them don't believe? 

Woody, Ridgeland, SC (Live Caller) - Regarding the Holy Spirit and the book of Ephesians?

Ronald C., Bloomingdale, GA - How old is the earth?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

July 25, 2023

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