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The Bible Line - July 12, 2011



Please explain Genesis 18. A non-believer asked me about how a loving God could punish the innocent along with the guilty. Also, is this chapter the basis for our legal basis of "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt"?

Can You explain predestination and free choice? I understand it is not an easy topic. I believe man has a free choice to receive God's free gift after he is drawn by God and given the ability by the Holy Spirit through Scripture (Faith comes by hearing...). The hyper-Calvinist loves to use Ephesians 1 for this argument. From doing some basic bible study methods I understand this to be speaking of a predestined work of the church and not predestined individuals. Am I all wet on this or is this correct? If it is individuals then the rest of scripture becomes very vague on the matter. Thank You for you time and God Bless.

A caller says that he has been told that Ruth's lineage included David and then ultimately our Savior. Is it true that she was of a different tribe or nation and then, thus, not a Jew?

Jamie from Washington state: For quite some time there has been a debate in the Christian community concerning age segregated Sunday School, church, youth groups, etc., and I recently watched the video “Divided” which chronicles the negative effects of this relatively recent practice. We’ve worshipped in both kinds of fellowships and I was just wondering what Dr. Broggi’s thoughts on this might be.

A caller who has heard a preacher say that if a man backslides, he will have 7 more demons possess him?

A listener has heard Pastor Broggi say that Sunday morning is the most segregated time in our nation. If so, is this unbiblical, is it a sin, and is it the responsibility of the pastor to encourage their congregants to make sure they're reaching out to all races?

I am currently reading the book, “Decision Making and the Will of God”, by Garry Friesen. It argues that the Sovereign will and the Moral will of God are principles taught in the Word of God, but not the traditionally held, Individual will. His position is that we have the moral will of God to guide us in principle and practice, and the freedom to choose from the many options which might present themselves within that parameter. I believe he would say that the wisdom we are to seek has already been given in the Word, and to seek after additional ‘signs’, etc. is not Biblical. I would love to hear Dr. Broggi’s take on this. The author’s examples include, who to marry, which school to go to, where to move, etc.

Jack Van Impe has parted with TBN because of Rick Warren's stance on "Chrislam" (the embracing of Chistianity with Islam.) What does Pastor Broggi think?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

July 12, 2011

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