The Bible Line - July 11, 2023
Danny S., Graniteville, SC - I recently listened to a YouTube video from Dallas Theological Seminary of Dr. Stanley Toussaint teaching on prayer. In his presentation, discussing Matthew 6:9 he stated that 1st century Jews would have translated it to read, “Make Your name to be hollowed.”
This was in support of his argument that prayer is essentially “asking God for things.” He took pains to say he was not discounting thanksgiving or adoration but strictly speaking prayer was asking God for things.
1) Is it accurate that first century Jews would have translated Matthew 6:9 as given above?
2) Is it accurate to say prayer (strictly speaking) is asking God for things?
Stephanie (Live Caller) - I have a friend who believes in a post tribulation rapture. How would you respond?
Keith, Kentucky (Live Caller) - I have a question regarding Revelation chapter 17, How big a a role will this new one world government play in the future?
Leon (Live Dictation) - He asks about Isaiah 65:17. What does it mean that the former things will not be remembered in the new heavens and earth?
Mary (Live Dictation) - Her daughter would like to know how a loving God could allow rape and mistreatment of children.
Ophelia (Live Dictation) - She has a Daughter who was raised in the church but has since walked away (although she says she still believes in God), and asks why she should come back to church when there are people in the church who judge people outside of the church for sin, but some people in the church also live in sin. For example, one of her previous pastors had an affair. How should Ophelia respond?
Anonymous - Is Dr. Broggi worried about being too far right wing, and following right wing “propaganda” and only reaching half of the country by being too political. What are his thoughts?
Micah - In Ezekiel 37 & 43 is the prophet expressing that God will come back to earth? I always thought it was our Savior, because I do know there's going to be a New Heaven and a New Earth.
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