The Bible Line - January 6, 2015
Tobi, Seabrook, SC - What is the role of a Deacon in the church
David, Beaufort, SC - During the tribulation are the regions that are cgoing to come against Israel Egypt, Syria, Ukraine and Russia?
Grace, Savannah, GA - Is there a college campus that bans alcohol and or consumption of alcohol by students?
Tempest, Hardeeville, SC: My Sister is a Jehovah's witness and lost a son two weeks ago. She believes she will see her son again in the resurrection. She also believes the dead are conscious of nothing, and references Lazarus. After being dead for 4 days there is no bible account of him talking about heaven or a hell. How do I answer her.
Edith, Windham, Maine My pastor is strictly king james. I am discouraged because I do not use this version. My granddaughter doesn't have a clue as to what he is saying so she doen't come anymore. I own an NASB, and feel wrong, like I am sneaking behind his back. Please tell me what version you use. Are other versions so wrong? I am 67, have read KJV all my life but the word meanings have changed, but my pastor has no young people coming.
A listener wants to know whether it is okay to kill under certain circumstances.
Christy: I am currently attending a ladies bible study that our pastor's wife is teaching. It is on Battle of the mind (not the one Joyce Meyers does), just a study from the Bible. A question was brought up at the last study concerning daily forgiveness and keeping short accounts with God...and the answer she gave I'm just not sure about based on certain scriptures I've read (along with others who were in the study). Anyway, she basically said that "a believer does not ever have to ask God for forgiveness for their sin, based on what took place at the cross. At the cross we were justified, redeemed, saved from our sin. She said that if I/you went and murdered someone today we would still go to heaven because we're saved. She said all the scriptures on forgiveness were for non believers. " I believe that yes christians can and do sin, and that because we are saved I think for most, Christians try to live a good life. I agree that we are forgiven at the cross therefore I have eternal security. However, when there is sin involved I feel it is only right to ask the Lord to forgive me of my sins, just as a child would ask his father to forgive him for whatever he did wrong. Also, in the Lords prayer it says to forgive us our trespass as we forgive them that trespass against us. Is she right the we are free from asking God to forgive us when we've sinned? I don't feel it is but maybe I missed something or am in the same mindset as a lot of other people.
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