The Bible Line - January 17, 2012
Darryl from Richmond Hill, Ga: Do you know anything about the Vineyard Church? What would be some fundamental beliefs they hold? What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit?
From Savannah, Ga - My husband was caught having inappropriate conversations with different women online. Since I caught him, he says that he has stopped. He still continues to keep these women as friends on Facebook. He has chatted with many of them and they sent him intimate pictures. I want them off of his page, I feel as though he should not even associate with these women. He says that there is nothing going on and he will not delete them. He says that he is saved. This bothers me so much, how should I approach this situation. I am fasting and praying about it. I am a believer. What does the Bible say about women having elective cosmetic surgery especially as those that would alter appearance.
David from Worcester, MA - Does God work in the lives of unbelievers? I was having trouble thinking about this because when in Romans 1 God says he gives them over. Does God control the events (jobs, deaths, relationships, etc.) in the lives of an atheist or agnostic. Does scripture support this?
How does baptism relate differently under the Old Covenant VS the New Covenant? Could you please explain to me I Cor. 14. This chapter of scripture has always confused me and I have found myself not wanting to read this chapter because it is so hard for me to understand.
Please elaborate on Ezekiel 28:14-16. I cannot find a cross reference that explains what the fiery stones refer to.
Please explain Deut. 32:35. How will He repay?
Ryan from Boston, MA - I am a college student looking to start studying Church History for myself. I was wondering if you heard of "The History of the Christian Church" by Phillip Schaff. That is what I am looking to study. I read some good reviews but I was wondering if you have any recommendations? Also, what is the best way to study this? Would it be to read and mark up the book or to take notes?
Chris from Summerville, Sc - Dr. Broggi, I listen to your sermons online at home and also at 830am on the radio when I have been driving to work in Beaufort the last 6 months. My question is this, who are the "other sheep" Jesus refers to in John 10:16? Could they be believers from other sects that believe in Jesus but have only a partially true doctrine such as the Mormons, etc?
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