The Bible Line January 14, 2025

Tim, Connecticut (Live Caller) - I have a question about: Deuteronomy 32:8?
Suzanne, Ridgeland, SC - There are pastors that I love to listen to like, Jack Hibbs and Barry Stagner, (who actually came to our church at the Beaufort campus.) And sometimes they talk about "The late great planet Earth", which is the book by Hal Lindsay, and they kind of boast about him. Both Jack Hibbs, and Barry talked about how no one should know the date of the Rapture and that no one should even try to predict it. But we do know that Hal Lindsay did that. Is it actually okay to read other books that Hal Lindsay wrote such as the late great planet Earth. I would really appreciate your thoughts...not necessarily on that book but on the rapture and (date setting), even though I feel he really led a lot of people astray there. But what about the rest of his books...should we stay away from them, or not?
Keith, Kentucky (Live Caller) - I have a question about 1 Corinthians 6:1-6 and sitting in judgement of the world and in judgement with Angels?
Chip, Beaufort, SC - In studying the Holy Spirit we hit a question that we haven't seen answered yet. First when the rapture occurs we know the Holy Spirit leaves Earth with the believers being taken to Heaven. So, when people accept the gospel during the Tribulation are they filled with the Holy Spirit at that time? Or is the presence of Christ their guide?
James, Ridgeland, SC (Live Caller) - I have a question about Abraham and his father in the bible.
Phyllis, PA (Live Dictation) - In Matthew 12:40 it says that our Lord was in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights and in Luke 24:1 and Matthew 28:1 it says that He was resurrected on the first day of the week, but the Lord died on Friday, how can it be 3 nights from Friday to Sunday?
Jonathan, Massachusetts (Live Dictation) - Is Dr. Broggi familiar with the Thompson Chain reference Bible? if so, what are your thoughts.
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