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The Bible Line - January 10, 2012



1) I’ve visited several “Fundamental Independent Baptist Churches” and some Southern Baptist Churches where in addition to giving a call to see if anyone wants to be saved after every service they also ask in most services if anyone is “called to preach”. They do this even in young children’s classes where they not only ask if anyone wants to be saved, but also ask if anyone is being “called to preach”. Is this practice biblical?

2) Are all the judgments in Revelation for after the Tribulation or have some been fulfilled shortly after the time John was writing? Some say none have been fulfilled and some say all have been fulfilled. Could Pastor Carl explain. My question refers to Luke 17:22-37, a reference to the second coming of Christ at the end of the great tribulation period and not the rapture. Yet when Christ tells them to be ready, that it will be like the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking, marrying and given in marriage, until Noah entered the ark and they were destroyed….. how could people in the great tribulation be so caught off guard? How could people of the great tribulation be living a normal life as described by the Lord Jesus and be so unprepared for that coming?

3) Regarding animal sacrifices…”Is the animal blood only symbolic?” “Did the animal blood atone for the sins completely for Old Testement Jews?” “Did the animal blood only atone for sins until Jesus Christ died and then his blood became the final atonement?” I know from your message entitled “Understanding God’s Love Story,” that animal blood is symbolic and this also is the conclusion we came to, but I wish to know some passages and ideas for Biblical foundation of this concept.

4) There are so many passages in the Bible that refer to answered prayer (Matt. 7:7-8, Matt. 21:22, John 14:13-14) yet we know that our prayers are not always answered (for example, healing of a loved one). How do we put these into perspective with passages that say that we are to seek God’s will and knowing our prayers will not always answered?

5) How would Pastor Broggi to address how and/or even if we should evangelize to lost neighbors or people that may turn hostile or be unreceptive?

6) How can I tell if my church is dying and if it’s time to find a new one? Earlier this year, I retired from the Marines and have settled in the Fort Leonard Wood area. The church we have joined is named Emmanuel Chapel Bible Church. It’s an IFCA church. It was small when we joined, about 5 yrs ago, about 30 people on a Sunday. Homeschool friendly with other homeschool families we’ve developed close relationships with. We have grown in the faith. I’ve taught some sunday school and occasionally filled in for the pastor. I was hoping to see it grow, but it hasn’t. In fact, it’s gotten smaller. Less than 10 on a Sunday including the kids. We can barely afford to keep the lights on. There’s a host of Sunday School rooms downstairs with cobwebs. They weren’t in use long before we started attending. I think the teaching is solid. The pastor is part time, always has been. I like him a lot. It’s about an hour drive from where we live. Also, some family dynamics have changed as many of the children have gotten older, married, etc. and are gone. My own children included as my oldest started college at College of the Ozarks this year. I’m torn between being loyal, helping to grow the church (which is tough due to the drive and work), and jumping ship. What are your thoughts on this subject?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

January 10, 2012

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