The Bible Line - February 4, 2020
Kirby, Beaufort, SC - I have been studying baptism quite a bit lately, mainly to research how it is used by certain organizations such as the Church of Christ as a necessary act for salvation, Verses like Mark 16:16, acts 2:38, Romans 6:4, 1 Peter 3:21, etc. I know that water baptism comes after salvation as public confession of Christ. In my research; however, even some that do not use scriptures such as Acts 2:38, and Mark 16:16 as reason for water baptismal regeneration say that those two scriptures are both are examples of Spiritual Baptism and not water baptism at all. I have absolutely understood those to mean water baptism after salvation, (for meaning because of remission of sins in Acts 2:38). Furthermore, I have heard through researching that because Acts is a transitional book that and the passage Acts 2:38 is referring to only Jews and that is why they had to be baptized in water before receiving the Holy Spirit, but that it changed only when the Ethiopian Eunuch and Cornelius with his family received the Holy Spirit before baptism as salvation came to the gentiles. I understand the doctrine of new testament baptism, I understand spiritual baptism, but I cannot understand the thought process here in these two scriptures specifically as examples as Spiritual Baptism. I have also never heard that the 2nd interpretation of Acts 2:38 that I discussed above. Have you ever heard these interpretations before? Can you shed some light on why people may interpret these scriptures like this? Thank you very much.
Our first caller would like to know why in Matthew 4:3-4, this is seen as the devil tempting Christ. He could have changed stone to bread so why didn't He?.
Pierce, Beaufort, SC - Why do Christians worship on Sunday and not Saturday? Wasn't the change initiated by the Roman Catholics? Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 16:2 state the apostles came together to break bread, take up a collection, and Paul preached on the first day of the week, but it doesn't directly say they worshipped the Lord. Did the apostles keep the Sabbath? Does that mean Christians are still required to keep the Sabbath? Should Christians work on the Sabbath?
What is the purpose of preachers dogging people to come to Christ if after they profess their faith, the new believer does not act in a way the preacher believes they should act?
In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 there is a list of people who will not inherit the kingdom of God. Does this mean they will not go to heaven?
Germaine, Augusta, GA - If a pastor commits adultery, is he allowed to ever pastor again? One denomination just moves their fallen pastors to another church. I believe that a pastor disqualifies himself. Yet, two arguments that have been used to refute my position are: 1. King David's adultery and being able to remain as Israel's king (even after God for forgave him) has been used to justified a pastor being restored to the pastorate over time, if during that time he lives above reproach. 2. It is also said that the gifts and calling of God are without repentance, meaning that once God's calling is on a man he can never lose it.
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