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The Bible Line - February 25, 2020



Regarding the Bread of Life discourse (John 6:53-66) where Jesus says "I am the bread of life," what qualifies this saying as a symbol or metaphor, and why was there such outrage over this symbol, while not so much in other symbols Jesus gave, e.g. "I am the vine; I am the gate; I am the shepherd, etc.?

A caller would like to know if Esau went to heaven or hell?

Another caller read an article about Al Mohler and she was unclear of his stand on homosexuality.  Does Pastor Broggi know what Al Mohler teaches on homosexuality?

How does Judges 4 and 5 (and the passage on Deborah) reconcile with the rest of Scripture that women are not called to be pastors?

I have been listening to Pastor Broggi's series on finances and I was hoping to ask a few questions. My husband and I are fellow believers and belong to a strong Biblical church here in New England, but unfortunately, they do not offer any form of guidance or classes on finances. My husband and I are in a bit of a predicament and we aren't sure how to begin to get out of it financially. We have a lot of credit card debit (which I did listen to Pastor Broggi at how to begin to dig out of that hole), but we also have student loan debt and we aren't even sure how or why our balance is so high. We have called the lender to see why our loan jump by $40,000  over what we originally borrowed and we have been paying since 1999. We owe so much more than what we borrowed. May I ask, do you know of anyone who can assist with situations like this in regards to student loans? At the moment, we are held in bondage by our debt. We just need a little help and guidance and we aren't sure where to begin. We have thought about selling out house, but with the market right now, we aren't sure that that would be wise since we would be getting a smaller house for what we own our our home (and I don't mean to sound like our house is huge, it's not. It's a normal size colonial and we have 4 children along with ourselves living in it).
Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated it. We don't want to live chained to our debt any longer. WE love the Lord and want to serve him more, but our debt requires us to keep up with the rat race in order to pay what we owe thereby limiting our time and potential resources we could have to further His kingdom.  I hope this makes sense.
Thank you so much for your time. I realize we don't belong to your church, but I was listening to Pastor Broggi and it inspired me and encouraged me to get out of debt. Sometimes, you just need a little guidance. 

Richard S., Whitinsville, MA - Hi Dr. Broggi, a common objection that Jewish people give about JESUS being the Messiah is that not all prophecies were fulfilled and I know that it is that way because JESUS will fulfill all prophecies by His second coming. I was wondering if there is any Old Testament scriptures that point to The Messiah coming twice in order to fulfill all prophecy?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

February 25, 2020

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