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The Bible Line - December 8, 2020



A listener would like to know a good children's Bible to get their grandchild.

Faye, Springfield, GA -  Heb. 10:26...a friend is saying you can lose your salvation and she uses this verse as a supporting scripture.

Amy, Okinawa, Japan - Dr. Broggi, There seems to be a lot of debate about the safety of the possible coronavirus vaccine, could you please share your views on the subject? Thank you so much for all you do!

Jon W. - I have a question for you regarding this vaccine for the C-19 and I'm hoping you might be willing to give an opinion.
 I've heard some Christians who make a good case that we should not receive the vaccine because of the new technology. The design of the mRNA vaccine is to insert genetically modified code instructions into the human cells, potentially changing our God given DNA. And might contain an enzyme called "Luciferase" to show proof of vaccination.  Also that the repercussions of not taking the vaccine could mean losing your job, ability to buy and sell and even being given criminal charges. I'm concerned that some of these claims might be true. Have you heard of any of this before? Do you think this is something we should consider when deciding whether or not to get the vaccine when it becomes available? Also, do you think this could in any way relate to the deception by Pharmakeia spoken of in Revelation 18: 23? Thanks for taking this question. I've been praying for clarity on this subject for a while. Some sources that are more detailed: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-07-26-fast-tracked-covid-19-vaccine-alters-human-dna.html

Alberto, Savannah, GA -  The bible teaches believers should only date & marry another believer. I been going to church for many years . I go to learn about Christ & Scripture. I don't go looking for women to date . Besides, I have noticed over the years of attending different churches in different states that many women are divorced with children. Also, many times they are Biblically illiterate. Most of them attend just looking for a man and not the Lord. I know the bible says don't date unbelievers...but what's difference? Just because they accept Christ then suddenly it's okay to date them or marry them not knowing what baggage or secrets they bring with them? To me, it's all the same monkey with a different clothing. What are your thoughts?

Anonymous, Hampton, SC - Can a non-believer always be talking about Jesus and quoting Jesus?

Sean, Beaufort, SC - After the church is raptured all believers are removed from the earth. Before God calls the 144,000 there is the seal of the martyrs. Who evangelized the martyrs?

Amee, Lafayette IN - My family is having difficulty proving from God's word that Homosexuality is a sin. One of my family members is using an article written by Tim Bruster, a United Methodist pastor, as a strong stance that the bible DOES NOT condemn Homosexuality. He sites several passages that believers use to call homosexuality sin, then says those passages actually don't teach what we think it teaches. Any help would be appreciated. This is the link to the article. https://fumcfw.org/whatdoesthebiblesay/ I am certain none of what he's stating is new to Pastor Broggi, but thought I'd send it just as well. 

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

December 8, 2020

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