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The Bible Line - December 21, 2021



Candace L., Indianapolis, IN - Dr. Broggi, I am listening to your Revelation series and thoroughly enjoying the education. I’ve been sharing with family and friends as well. I’m currently listening to The Great Day of the Lord. It’s the sermon you gave between the end of Chapter 15 and the beginning of Chapter 16. I am around the 33rd minute. You are highlighting the differences between the Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of Christ. I Thessalonians 4:16,17 states “the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” This is the rapture of the Church. Then you reference Daniel 12 about the resurrection following Christ’s second coming. This is where I am confused and am requesting clarification. Why are the OT saints still in the grave? Why did they have to wait to be resurrected until the second coming? Wouldn’t the believers who are alive and asleep receive glorified bodies at the rapture? Did you mean to say the Tribulation saints or am I misunderstanding something? Is this because the Church age starts at Pentecost, so only the Church believers are raptured and the believers who died before Pentecost miss the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and will not be resurrected until the Second Coming? That doesn't make much sense to me, but it’s all I can discern. I Thessalonians 4 regarding the Millennial Reign is confusing to me as well. Will we all have natural bodies again or just those who are alive when Christ returns? Are the rest of us like the angels in that we do not marry or procreate? Do only those with natural bodies at the time of the second coming marry and have children and families in a world that is as the Lord intended it before sin entered the world? I’m sorry for all the questions. I appreciate whatever time you have to answer. Your sermons are so informative and life-giving to me.

John N., Richmond Hill, GA - How did Paul receive his wisdom? Did God dictate or reveal the Word to him? Was he just “the right man for the job”? And because he was the right man for the job he followed with prayer and study and then just got it right?

Richard S., Whitinsville, MA - Hi Dr. Broggi I have a question about atonement. I understand that Roman Catholics don’t believe in penal substitutionary atonement but I don’t understand what type of atonement they do believe, could you explain that? Also would you say that it is necessary for someone to believe the penal substitutionary view of atonement in order to be a Christian? I find it hard in my position to say someone isn’t saved because they don’t hold to that specific view of the atonement although I believe it is the only correct view. Thank you and God bless you!

Sarah B., Bluffton, SC - A few years ago, I was walking in a very hot region and ended up getting massive heat blisters on my feet that hurt so much I could barely walk for a couple days. Someone who was with me at the time then prayed over my feet and the pain immediately went away and never returned. I know God can do miracles whenever He pleases, but I'm at conflict with myself with how to wrap my mind around a healing like this. The girl who prayed was someone I knew was not walking close with God based on things I witnessed in her life. A close mentor of mine also brought up the 2 Cor. 12:12 passage, talking about this kind stuff. So how do I biblically reconcile what happened to me based on what I've read in scripture and learned through pastors?

James H, Savannah, GA - My wife and I have 3 children and have been married for 10 years. We are having a conversation about continuing to have children vs sterilization/birth control. One of us would like to continue having children and the other feels that more children would be too difficult and expensive thus putting undue stress on the family. How should a Christian couple approach this. How should the husband “give himself up for his wife” and how should the wife “honor and respect the husband” when there is a disagreement here? Also, is there biblical opposition or support to sterilization for the purpose of birth control.

Jacqueline D., Bloomingdale, GA - Can you please explain the jealousy curse in Numbers 5?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

December 21, 2021

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