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The Bible Line - August 8, 2023



Schuyler J. - In the book of Job, Chapter 2 clearly points out that Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar sat with Job seven days and seven nights. Beginning in chapter four, they begin to speak and contend with Job with back and forth dialog through chapter 25. In chapter 32 Elihu begins to scold Job. In the end in chapter 42, GOD addresses Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, but no mention is made of Elihu. My questions is as follows:
1. After the seven day period of silence when they began to speak, is there any indication as to how long the dialog lasted? Was it all one conversation over a few hours?, Why does GOD not address Elihu?

Stephanie, Portland (Live Caller) - Has a question about the babies being killed in exodus? and the commentary that is also found in Acts 7:19?

Linda, Savannah, GA - Which version of the Bible will you be using on the Israel Tour?

Jack, Bluffton (Live Caller) - Has a question about Spiritual Gifts.

Anthony Vaughn, Beaufort, SC (Live Caller) - if someone is a Christian, but they have a job selling beer, or wine is this sinful? or, should a new convert who is a woman stay at home with a children?

Ralph, Ohio - What does it mean that we are created in the image of God?

Bubby D., River, KY - I would love if you recommend some resources on the different crowns that will be given to us. I am a pastor and I greatly value your insights and teaching, your labor is not in vain.

Anonymous, Myrtle Beach, SC - I have two questions: My son is questioning how to know which Bible is the right one as his in-laws are Jehovah Witnesses. Also, my sister is experiencing ongoing marital problems with an abusive husband. She leaves for a short period and goes back with eventual broken promises and the cycle continues. He threatens divorce, but she is a Christian and struggles with forgiveness and divorce. She watches services online, but doesn’t have a church nearby or a pastor to confide in. Thank you!

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

August 8, 2023

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