The BIble Line - August 7, 2018
Dennis, Bluffton, SC - Pastor Broggi I have a friend that believes the Bible has references that support the “Flat Earth Theory”. What do you think?
Anonymous, Columbia, SC - Is it wrong for my husband and I to attend different churches?
Pat, Bluffton, SC - On last week's Bible Line you mentioned that - many churches today, unfortunately, do not have the gospel message. What precisely do you mean when you use the word 'have'?
A listener was talking with a friend about last Sunday's message in Revelation 13. The friend was saying that the 2nd beast was actually America. How do you answer this?
Mike, Okatie, SC - Someone I invited to church attended the Beaufort campus Sunday, and after church, he asked me for a good study Bible. I told him I used the McArthur Study Bible. Do you suggest this one or is there another you prefer?
Bob, Okatie, SC - What was the population of the earth at the time of the flood? And in Matt. 27:53, when the tombs were opened and the people went into the town, were these considered the "first fruits?"
How do you know if someone has a "word of knowledge" whether it is really from God?
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