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The Bible Line - August 6, 2024



Emmanuel - In our family time we are in John chapter 8 and we dealt with the first 22 verses. A question came up concerning the woman caught in adultery. Deut. 22:22 and Leviticus 20:10 gave specific guidelines under a theocracy to deal with this sin. So then, concerning King David and Bathsheba why didn't this judgement also apply to them?

Courtney, Southern CA - I know that speaking in tongues refers to speaking in a 'known language' that you were formally trained in. My question is, if you were speaking in a known language in the apostolic faith, what was the purpose of a translator, or the (gift of interpretation) at the time? In other words, if I'm sharing the gospel with someone in their native language, why would there need to be an interpreter?

Jane, Shelby, NC -  I have a question about fasting. I wonder why is it not taught in churches, and do you teach it? My husband and I are interested in it because we have members of our family who are deep into Eastern religions. They are involved in yoga and we are trying to be good witnesses, but we realize there are demonic forces here, so we've been looking at scriptures like Matthew 17:20-21, Luke 5:35, Matthew 6:16. We are wanting to know, should we be fasting, and if so, how do we go about it? Jesus Himself fasted for forty days before He started His ministry. Any thoughts on this that you can share with us? Any resources you can recommend to us would be helpful.

Mary, Hilton Head, SC (Live Caller) - I have a question about a worship service and being slain in the Spirit?

Kelly, Rincon, GA, (Live Dictation) - Is it biblical to hire a youth leader/pastor who is divorced?

Steve, Beaufort, SC --  In Matthew chapter 24:40-51, is Christ talking about the rapture or about the end time?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

August 6, 2024

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