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The Bible Line - August 27, 2024



Kim, Bluffton, SC -- As I read books and listen to sermons on heaven, pastors and authors, perhaps due to their differences in eschatology, don't seem to carefully differentiate between the pre-resurrection temporal state and place of departed believers, and their resurrected state after the Rapture. Their timeline of events seems to be inaccurate. As someone who is searching the scriptures, desiring the comfort of understanding what joy my loved one is experiencing now, as he awaits his glorified body, I find this disheartening. Will you please bring clarity to this subject with the solid teaching of the Word, providing as much detail as God has revealed about the pre-resurrection state of the believer who is "absent from the body, present with the Lord." I, and I'm sure, countless others, would appreciate it so much. 

John, Garnett, SC - My faith and relationship with Christ is very strong. I have been through a lot in the last two years, in loosing my wife to cancer, family division plus more. I've stayed close to God thru it all, I moved to a hunt camp in SC from Florida. I feel God is leading me into ministry. I've stepped up my studies, I've created a prayer ministry, became a deacon at my church and then a chair deacon. My comprehension abilities in Scripture has increased, so is it wrong I feel God is leading me into Ministry, because I do not feel like its me doing so?

Judith, Okatie, SC -- I caught an earlier broadcast while driving in the car - in which you referred to the Festivals of Israel and said that there were six, But Leviticus 23 clearly details seven annual Festivals (the Sabbath being an additional weekly observance). Which two did you combine? My guess is Passover and Unleavened Bread. Did you do that to make John’s Gospel more closely follow the timeline of the Synoptics?

Grace, Pantops, VA -- Following October 7, I have continued to hear more people say that "the church has replaced Israel" and that God is done with Israel. I firmly believe this isn't true and have listened to your sermons on Romans 9–11 addressing this. But I recently saw a person post on social media that the church has replaced Israel, and his proof text was Galatians 6:16, referencing "the Israel of God." He was claiming that Paul was writing to a Christian church and calling them the new Israel. Based on all the very clear Scripture saying that God's covenant with Israel is forever and no disobedience or hard-heartedness can change that, I can't accept his interpretation of this verse from Galatians. It seems so contradictory to everything in Scripture. But how would you respond to this assertion that Galatians 6:16 is proof that the church is the new Israel? How can I directly show that the verse is not saying that? Thank you for your ministry.

Sara, Orlando, FL -- Hello - I’m a young wife with a two year old. When my husband and I were dating we attended the same church and worked for the same ministry. Since being married, my husbands attitude towards marriage and family has been disappointing. He recently has become obsessed with the Catholic Church and is attempting to force conversion on me or he will divorce me. Saying our marriage isn’t valid because it was not inside the Catholic Church. Much of our conversation center around the debate on the Catholic Church. What do you recommend me to do in terms of submission? I have received Christ as my Lord, I just do not believe in the teaching and practices of the Catholic Church. I am losing hope. Please let me know what you think I should do.

Annmarie, Richmond, RI - Firstly, I would like to thank you for your ministry, I am very grateful to get to listen and learn form you. I'm also grateful to my friend that introduced me. I heard you say in a sermon that there are 17 OT prophets, so that is Samuel, the 12 minor, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel? is that correct?

Stephen, Seabrook, SC -- Can you explain this verse to me, Proverbs 6:16 There are six things that the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him.

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

August 27, 2024

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