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The Bible Line - April 1, 2014



Was Methuselah still alive at the time of Noah, and if so, did he possibly interpret a dream for Noah?  Were there hitchikers on the ark that Noah had to kick off? Would the Nephilem have willingly helped build the ark? 

Please allow me to preface my inquiry with a short scenario: For many years now, the person-hood wing of the pro-life movement in South Carolina and around the nation, has made an extensive effort to get a person-hood bill (without exception), passed out of any state house. If ever such a bill were passed, it should ultimately be a dagger in the heart of Roe V Wade.  It seems the greatest obstacle to this effort, particularly locally, are entrenched lawyer politicians, embedded within the hierarchy of the judiciary who are also professing pro-life Christians, as weak as their arguments are for not supporting such an effort (keeping in mind that no such bill has ever been litigated) to conclude they "see no legal pathway to victory." I perceive their inaction to be not only pragmatic double speak and cowardly, but downright evil. My question: As believers, and after making every effort to stay within the parameters of Matthew 18, yet fulfilling the requirements of Ephesians 5 (in particular verse 11)...How does the church, both from the pulpit and the pews, continue this fight without "bashing the brethren?"
Jordan, Atlanta GAFrom a legal or practical position, in what way did Judas betray Jesus? I understand the spiritual side, but practically, what did Judas "trade" for the 30 pieces? Was Jesus' location a secret? Did Judas accuse him of a crime? Something else?
Bruce, Brooklyn CT - In a small baptist church the pastor has resigned to take work as a pastor with his father. The church had formerly been a member of the ABA but they left. What does Pastor Broggi think of the ABA. Also one of the decision makers opened the possibility of a woman pastor. What are your thoughts.
Anthony, Beaufort - What still needs to take place before the second coming?
Joe, Maine - Where in the Bible is the concept of church membership found?  What scriptures are used in defense?  In addition, where does the voting for different offices come in to play (trustees, treasurer, elders, etc).  Would you also elaborate on 1 Corinthians 11:3.  Does this Scripture mean that Jesus is superior to God?
Do the apostles have to come back before the second coming?
A caller would like to know if you should use your own testimony (short version) while witnessing?

Dantigo, Beaufort , SC I would like to know are there still prophets around today?

Speaker: Dr. Carl Broggi

April 1, 2014

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