Mothering From The Heart - November 6, 2012
Many times I feel that I am disciplining my children out of my stubbornness. I don't always realize this in the midst of it all. Is there a way to know how to balance correct diswcipline? How do I repair my incorrect stubborn authority? Is there a way to know the difference between hard to enforce discipline and control?
Does dad have priority over certain discipline issues?
My two boys fight with each other and respond to each other in nasty do I handle them and teach them to be kind.
If you were able to only give mothers/wives one piece of advice, what would it be?
A caller is a Christian and is married to a man who "says" he's a Christian. Their marriage is in shambles and the wife has listened to Audrey and she's been trying everything to love him and show him the respect, etc., but he's just not interested in trying to improve the situation and he just wants to be left alone. They have some children in the household and they attend church although the husband misses church at times. There is no real set-up at their church for her to talk to someone about what to do and her husband has refused to go to counselling. What should this wife do now? Her husband is not physically abusive but he's very loud around her and the children.
A listener is homeschooling her young elementary-age children and she's looking to Audrey for some advice on how to just get through with all the work involved in homeschooling them while running a household, meeting the needs of her mate and everything else! She knows Audrey has been through this and is seeking her counsel on how to do it all to the Glory of God while she at times feels it's overwhelming.
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