Mothering From The Heart - May 16, 2019
Our first question deals with the subject of women preachers. Is it wrong for men to be in the audience when teachers like Kay Arthur and Beth Moore are addressing a group outside of a church on Sunday mornings?
How do military moms/wives keep their roles while husband/dads are gone (without role reversal or trying to do both)?
I got saved after I got married and my husband is an unbeliever. We have two boys and I'm trying to raise them to be Godly men. My husband does not always set the best example for them and I want to honor my role as a wife, but don't know how to respect him and honor him when he behaves in a way that is not appropriate in front of our kids.I don't want my boys to think that's how they should behave.
How do I get my husband to put his phone down and focus on me and the kids? He comes home after 8+ hours at work, sits on the couch and pulls out his phone and does who-knows-what for HOURS. I try not to nag, but its breaking my heart. I don't feel appreciated or loved.
How does Audrey structure her personal Bible study?
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