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Mothering From The Heart - March 26, 2013



focus/motivation issues?

How much effort should I make to arrange play dates for my youngest (he has siblings but they’re older and not home much)?  Also, how concerned should I be when he’s lonely?

Our next caller is a grandmother who is concerned because her grandson is 2 1/2 and seems to be in a rebellious stage. The mom is a worker at home and they're dealing with this by giving him time outs. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work and doesn't really phase him. Do you have any suggestions on how to make sure this rebellion doesn't get worse?

With so much teaching/writing/blogging from women today - how do you know who to listen to and read?

I have a questions regarding adoption. I've noticed some young couples choosing to adopt instead of having biological children. They say that they do not feel called to have biological children but instead that God has called them to adopt. Other couples I know are preventing having biological children and choosing adoption first (before having children) or planning on preventing having children later in order to adopt. I never think that adoption should be viewed as a "second option" but at the same time, is it going against the Biblical mandate of being fruitful and multiplying by preventing biological children in order to adopt? To me - that seems off. What is your perspective on this?

If there is time, I would love to hear your Moms thoughts on guidelines for choosing tv shows and movies to watch. Specifically thinking of shows like Downton Abbey what has a strong homosexual undertone -and even specific actions of it.

Speaker: Audrey Broggi

March 26, 2013

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