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Mothering From The Heart - July 17, 2013



A listener wants to know Audrey's opinion on a homeschooling mother offering day care services out of her home.

Hi Audrey (and GraceAnna)! Listening to you right now - love it all. Always so encouraging I'd love to hear your wisdom and advice on teaching kids to have a good work ethic. My girls are 4 and 5 and we often have a lot of whining about helping with chores, etc. Also - did you have a structured routine when your kids were small? I'm gearing up for starting home school kindergarten soon - and with 4 kids 5 yo and under, I need some ideas for implementing a routine/schedule to get everything done!

I am a 28 year old female and have been a Christian for 5 years. I listen to Joyce Meyer and find her teaching to line up with the word of God and can personally relate to her studies. Through her testimony, God has changed her life in such a tremendous way and has richly blessed her and others through her ministry. It certainly appears that she produces good fruit and the bible says we will recognize them by their fruit. I truly believe she has a right heart and Loves our Lord and Savior. I often worry about her teaching because she is a female preacher. I have prayed about it but have not received an answer yet if I should stay away from her teaching or if she could be a false teacher. My biggest worry is being taught by a false teacher. Is it best to stay away from famous preachers and teachings? Can you please give me your insight? 

Our next caller has been convicted lately that she may be favoring one of her children over the other, not necessarily that this child is her favorite but she just relates better to this child. Now that she is aware of this, she is trying to be more balanced. What does the Bible say about a mother and a favored child? 

So my husband is a believer but is struggling still as his past sins creep up on him and he is always so stressed, upset and moody. As if thier is still that wall between him and God. I know I need to be his cheerleader and love him and always pray for him. but its hard! I do pray for him and pray that he may find peace with God but I'm not that happy wife who's put all her trust in Jesus, though I pray for it but am still always worried that he might be falling into his temptations.

How can I have peace when he's not at peace and is always finding something wrong with me and how I'm not on top of my wife/mom duties?! I want to but my children are 3 and 2 and I find it very hard to always be that one he wants me to be. I long to be closer to God and be on fire for him but I don't know how moms can do it?! Please share some advice and correction if needed.

Speaker: Audrey Broggi

July 17, 2013

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