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Mothering From The Heart - August 28, 2012



Christy, Iwakuni , Japan - I figured out that the radio broadcast has been changed to this new website. I was just wondering if Mrs Broggi still does her radio broadcast as I haven't been able to find it? Also, her website has a place to ask a question but doesn't allow me to do so.

Over the years I've struggled w/ friendships & I don't know why. In the last couple of years, the friends I had, have moved & it's been a drought since then. Prov. 18:24 "A man who has friends must himself be friendly." That is on my mind when I'm in a group setting, but for some reason those connections w/ other women have not taken root. It seems like, I am the one who has to set up a lunch, or outing, b/c no one is asking. I understand that everyone is busy, I too am busy. I'm not clingy, or stalker like. I keep confidence, & not into gossip, nor will I hit on anyone's man. I'm just lonely. I want to connect w/ other women, but I'm starting to think that there is something wrong w/ me. Would love any insight you may have.

 I'm Jewish and while I've never been largely religious, at this point in my life I feel myself turning to whatever I can. Two years ago I moved away from my best friend Here I started tenth grade and found myself becoming reclusive and depressed. Soon that depression took root and for the next two years I struggled with depression and suicidalness and self harm. An incredible person came into my life however and stayed with my throughout the whole ordeal and we became bestfriends, we fell in love and promised the world to each other. However now he's the depressed now, he wont talk to me, he doesnt love me anymore and he refuses to let me help him. I'm lost because all I want is that feeling back of having someone constantly there for you, I miss that dearly. What do I do? 

Can you recommend a basic apologetics bible study for my ten-year-old son?

Should a husband force his wife to wear high heels to please him if they hurt her feet? I want to look nice for him but my feet are killing me!

My husband struggles with severe anxiety and has a very hard time with new and unknown situations in general.  He especially struggles with anxiety any time the children and/or I are away from him.  This obviously prevents our family from participating in many activities and specifically prevents the the children and me from doing many things with friends/groups as well as alone. For the most part, we all understand the struggle (on our different understanding levels) and support him as he deals with it -though not always cheerfully or easily!  The struggle I have (and now my older children have) is how to explain why we can't do things with friends when asked, 'why not',  IN A WAY THAT STILL HONORS AND RESPECTS my husband.  I dont want him to appear weak or controlling as he is none of that.  That is the opinion that my friends seem to take when I am simply submitting to the needs and wishes of my husband.  My frustration: Why do some of my friends make it hard for me to submit to my husband and in turn make me question how and why I am submitting?? Hope that makes sense and that you can offer some suggestions.  

Speaker: Audrey Broggi

August 28, 2012

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