The Bible Line - January 15, 2019

Anthony, Mt. Vernon, ME - Our church is currently searching for a pastor. A question has arisen as to whether women pastors are acceptable according to the Scriptures. There seems to be a conflict between the prohibition in I Tim. 2:12 and I Cor. 14:34-35 and the allowance in Titus 2:3-4 to teach women and to prophesy in Acts 2:17 and I Cor. 11:5. As a leader in our local church, I want to know what the will of God is. Thank you for your help to understand this matter.
A church in Savannah preaches against the rapture, using as an example the great flood and people wanting to be found 'in the ark' referring to a passage in Matthew 24. What does Pastor Broggi think?
Katie, Hilton Head Island, SC - How do we balance the understanding that believer's sins are forgiven with the fact that we will have to give an account to God for our lives? What happens if we end up with a poor account to give? (2 Cor. 5:10, Romans 14:12)
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