Mothering From The Heart - February 12, 2013

I have been wrestling with the Lord over the issue of birth control. We have one child and really want more but we wonder about stewardship – both financially and emotionally – being able to provide for them adequately. I’m not talking about wanting an indulgent lifestyle – just basics. We feel very cared for by God but how do we not stress over finances? How do we save and plan for children? How do you view birth control?
We had a caller who would like Audrey's advice. She has a 9 year old son who has been through some situations with family that seemed to have left him with very little confidence. He has trouble dealing with others (of any age) and this mom would like to know how she can help him to value himself and show him how to build relationships and be comfortable around people. She prays for him and knows God is able but she's wondering if Audrey has any practical steps she can take
Could you recommend a polite way a child (of younger age around 4/5 should interrupt adults while they are speaking? Also, do you have any suggestions as to how a mother should respond when a child interrupts? I know this will vary with age of the child, but let's say the age is around 5 since that seems to be the age where "just one minute sweetheart" is still being learned.
As a mom of 4, I have taught my boys to take my hand then say "excuse me" and then I will grasp the hand so they can't go anywhere for the question to be forgotten, and that seems to work well. But if I cannot respond right then, or the child is in the backseat of a car and can't grab a hand, he can get persistent. I know my children are far more important than a conversation, however if you know they are fine at that moment, is this the right age to ask them to ""wait, mommy will speak to you in just minute" and insist on that?
I have a question about birth control, specifically how it relates to disagreement between a husband and a wife. Should my husband insist (make) me be on birth control pills or used an IUD? We have a two children and I am expecting our third. I have never liked being on birth control but my husband has always insisted.
We had an issue with the pill and I was temporarily off of them and that’s when I became pregnant. Now, my husband is saying he is getting vasectomy at some point soon or right after baby is born. This so scares me and makes me so sad. And leads me to my second question about disagreement on birth control. I don’t want him to so this. I would rather be on the pills or use IUD, which I really do not like, but at least those things are not permanent. My husband has a controlling personality and now he says he doesn’t trust pills or IUDs and that’s why he wants the vasectomy. Should I try to talk him out of it? What if my husband does this and God wanted us to have another child and we miss out on the blessing He had for us? Should I just let it go? I just am so upset about my husband doing something permanent. Is there anything I should do?
We have a situation with the middle school girls at my daughter’s school. There is a lot conflict, attitude, and even disrespect with coaches and other people in the school. There have been various incidents involving my daughter (11 years old), I am glad that I have a very good communication with her, because she tells me everything and we are studying the bible, but on the other hand I know this is affecting her and I want to be able to help all of the other girls in a way, but don’t really know how. I want your advice as a woman of God and as a mother from a biblical perspective. Besides praying about it, what else do you think I should do?
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